Author Visits
School Author Visits
I am available to speak to students in grades 4-12. (See sidebar for information about adult programs.) When speaking to children in person, I prefer groups of no more than 75 students, but I can make accommodations for larger groups. Scroll down for information about my programs and writing workshops. I'm also available for virtual visits via Skype and Google Hangout. Contact me for details.
Teachers: subscribe to Carmela's Creativity Newsletter to download a Teacher's Guide containing book-related student activities and discussion questions for Playing by Heart here.
Worms, Pens, and Butterflies
Much of who I am as a person and an author is rooted in my upbringing as the first-born child of Italian immigrants. In this presentation, I discuss how my background and life experiences influence my writing. I also describe my roundabout route to becoming a published author, emphasizing the importance of both reading and writing in accomplishing career goals, whatever they may be. I typically use PowerPoint slides to show some of the milestones (and humorous events) along my path to publication. This presentation lasts 45 minutes to one hour, including time for questions.
"Worms, Pens, and Butterflies" is best suited to grades 4-8. Contact me for information regarding programs for older audiences.
See below for what educators and young attendees
say about my presentations.
I love to teach almost as much as I love to write. Here I am presenting a workshop for children at the Illinois Young Authors Conference.
Other Presentations
I am also available to present writing workshops based on classes I have taught, and I will tailor my talks to audience and curriculum needs. Here are some sample topics:
NEW! Separating Fact from Fiction: highlights my research for Playing by Heart, which was based on two amazing sisters who lived in 18th-century Milan, one a composer and the other a mathematician. I share techniques for spotting falsehoods, both online and in print, while introducing students to two inspiring women in STEAM.
Transforming Life Into Fiction: explains how I fictionalized people, places, and events from my childhood to write Rosa, Sola. Students practice transforming their own real-life experiences into fiction.
Re-Visioning—Seeing with "Fresh Eyes": describes the many revisions Rosa, Sola went through prior to publication and presents specific techniques to help students "re-vision" their own writing.
Young Author's Workshop: presents techniques for generating ideas, developing characters, creating plot, and describing setting.
Educators' Comments About my Visits:
"What a wonderful two-day workshop you did with us, and how much our parents and students enjoyed seeing you again at our Family Literacy Night! Your journey towards becoming a published author was interesting and inspirational... It helped our students realize the importance of valuing their own personal experiences and using them to express themselves as writers!”
—Mary Chamberlain,
River Grove School, River Grove, IL
"Many thanks for an outstanding two hours chock-full of valuable information for our creative writing group. . . . In the words of the students, ‘It was awesome and informative!’”
—Paulette Goodman,
Kennedy Junior High School, Lisle, IL
"Your presentation engaged our wide span of ages and kept them engaged. The writer's workshop really stimulated our young authors, too."
—Rebecca Plaza,
Union Ridge Elementary School, Harwood Heights, IL
"Your interactive presentation was inspiring and entertaining. . . . The afternoon workshops were especially helpful. Students enjoyed the writing exercises, and your concrete tips were just what was needed.”
—Beth Cushing,
Mary, Seat of Wisdom School, Park Ridge, IL
"Thanks again, Carmela, for a wonderful presentation. . . . You are a terrific author, but I hope you know that you are a wonderful teacher and motivator as well.”
—Gail Hilmer,
Addison Public Library
Feedback from Young Attendees:
"I enjoyed the workshop very much. It also taught me how to write better stories. I learned a lot on how to improve my writing for now and the future. Now I have more ideas for stories in the future."
—Brian M, Grade 6
"Thank you for coming to my school and teaching us about writing. I loved your presentation and your book. You have inspired me to write more."
—Amber A, Grade 6
"I learned a lot about writing. I have always wanted to be a writer myself, except I write poems. You helped by encouraging me, and telling me that I could do it!"
—Michele F, Grade 6
"I really liked how you took time to answer our questions about the book and tell us about yourself. I also enjoyed listening to your presentation about your personal life and your public life. When you were here I learned how hard it is to become an author and how many steps it takes to actually publish a book."
—Shannon, Grade 6