The Goodreads giveaway of the revised edition of Rosa, Sola ends tomorrow. If you haven't entered yet, you'll want to go to this Goodreads page and do so now.
Also, I'll be presenting a one-day workshop, "Great Beginnings: Hook Readers and Keep Them Turning the Pages," at the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook, IL at 7 p.m. Thursday, October 27. Registration is required, and begins October 6. Watch my Facebook page for details, or go to the library's website. Read More
Carmela's Blog
Goodreads Giveaway Ending and Upcoming Presentation
New edition of Rosa, Sola Now Available!
The revised edition of Rosa, Sola is now available, and includes a new "Discussion Questions" section for classroom use. The paperback can be ordered directly here, and from most online booksellers. The Kindle version is available from Amazon, and the Nook version is at!
I'm also sponsoring a Goodreads Giveaway! See below for details.
Belated Thank You to the Students of Gombert Elementary School!
I want to thank the terrific group of beta readers from Gombert Elementary School in Aurora, Illinois for their feedback on my work-in-progress. Their sharp eyes caught several typos and other issues adult beta readers missed!
So a big THANK YOU to:
I meant to express my thanks sooner, but I've been busily revising the manuscript based on your insightful comments and plan to start submitting it again soon.
Thanks also to librarian-extraordinaire, Gayl Smith, who put me in touch with these great readers. I'll keep Ms. Smith posted about my progress in finding a publisher for the story. You can also check back on this page for future updates.
Hope you all have a wonderful summer!
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I Have Two Articles in the 2016 CWIM!
I'm pleased to announce that I have not only one, but TWO, articles in the 2016 Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market edited by Chuck Sambuchino (Writer's Digest Books), the "most trusted guide to the world of children's book publishing." The book releases on Monday, September 21, 2015. See the link in the left sidebar for more information about the two articles. Read More